Best Skincare for Babies

Finding the best skincare for babies is so hard as what works for some may not work for the next baby. You can find the most natural skin care with high quality natural ingredients and still have a reaction to a natural ingredient. My little boy happens to have the most sensitive skin and seems to react to quite a few products. I always wanted to use the most natural products possible. However I have found with even some of the best brands out there known for natural high quality ingredients still does not suit my baby boys skin.

Baby's feet

I was recommended by my homeopath to try the Weleda Calendula Range. Calendula Oil is a natural oil extracted from the flowers of the sunshine, marigold flowers. Calendula Oil has been used over the centuries to heal the skin and has no known side effects or toxicity issues.

I have found using products The Weleda Baby Calendula range to be so calming on the skin and have noticed that after using on my baby's nappy rash, the next morning his skin is pretty much back to its perfect baby pre nappy rash skin. By using Weleda Calendula Nappy Rash Cream I avoided having to use a prescribed treatment when my baby was just a month old. I have since used the Weleda Baby Calendula Lotion on what appears to be eczema, sore dry patches in elbow creases and the backs of knees and little dry red sores. The dryness disappears almost immediately, leaving the skin smooth and soft and the redness calms over a few days and with continued use the skin returns to its normal state.

You can tend to not want to use anything on a baby skin, however I have found that even dribbling can make a babies little face sore as well as sucking on a dummy. Little scrapes and scratches, dry skin sores and possible eczema require a gentle skincare support system.

The benefits you gain from using products that have this amazing ingredient in are as follows:

Anti bacterial and Anti Inflammatory

These properties make Calendula Oil a great ingredient for healing. For a wound to heal successfully it is essential for it to not get infected which can be so tricky with children in particular. So the natural anti bacterial properties in Calendula oil make it ideal for a cream to use after scrapes and scratches. It can be used to aid healing for nappy rash, eczema, scarring, wounds, insect bits and more. The anti inflammatory properties will calm the swelling from a wound and the anti bacterial properties will naturally protect from infection without having to use a harsher anti biotic cream.

Anti Oxidant Rich

The anti oxidants found in Calendula are carotenoids, Vitamin A and Vitamin E which protect against damaging skin free radicals, and it also has sun protective properties in it. However do not use as a sunscreen alone, it is much more important to use a sunscreen that is regulated and approved by the FDA and EWG

Promotes cell regeneration and stimulates collagen production.

Calendula encourages the promotion of cell regeneration and collagen production which is great for anti aging so its also great for mum too.  If you need a great skincare regime for mum check out my post on the Ultimate Guide to a Perfect Skincare Routine

I have found it to be a gentle and effective skincare range to support my babies skin, aid in healing any scrapes, and to soothe sore dry patches. So if you're looking for natural baby skincare that is healing and just incredibly gentle maybe give Calendula, the oil that is extracted from the humble yet beautiful marigold a try.

Marigold bud

For more information about Calendula oil and its benefits

Much love


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1 comment

  1. Love this product as have seen it work first hand, very calming.
